About Us
mServiceDesk is a platform managed by the SSOE [Service Support and Operation Enablement] Department under the supervision of the IT SQM [Service Quality Management] Division which aims to provide digital services to employees, particularly IT and non-IT employees at Telkomsel.
- Highlight Feature
- Personalize your apps menu with your needs
- Use amazing animation from undraw and icons8
- Support Dark Mode and Light Mode in any devices
Happy Users registered using our application
Features and will increase in the future to support your needs
Hours Support to serve reporting and monitoring data for you
Platform support in Android and iOS with same user experience
What's New
We always try to provide the best experience for you
Installation Guide Android
Have a problem when installing mServiceDesk in your Android device ?
Refresh Design
We give you something fresh with new design of our application that update with trends.
Dark Mode Support
Now mServiceDesk have dark mode and light mode support for better user experience and reduce your eye strain.
User Guide
How to Setting Installation mServiceDesk in Android Platform ?
- Minimum Android version 6.0
- Choose Setting menu on your smartphone.
- In Setting menu, choose Applications
- Tab Application manager on Application menu.
- Choose mServiceDesk application.
- Tab Permissions.
- Then turn on all the permission.
- Now your mServiceDesk can be used.
How to Setting Installation mServiceDesk in iOS Platform ?
- Mininum IOS version 10.0
- Go to Setting menu.
- In Setting menu, click General and select Profile.
- Then, tap Telekomunikasi Selular, PT.
- You have to click Trust "Telekomunikasi Selular, PT"
- Click Trust.
- Now your mServiceDesk can be used.
For Android Device, make sure to Disable Google Play Protect Setting
- Open "Play Store" application
- Click Menu in the top left corner
- Click "Play Protect"
- Click Icon Setting in top right corner
- Disable option "Scan device for security threats", "Improve harmful app detection"
How to Complain mServiceDesk Error ?
For faster checking error with mServiceDesk Team, please inform this data: Type Device: Android / iOS Brand Device : ( Contoh : Samsung Galaxy S20 ) OS Device : ( Contoh : Android 10 / iOS 13.4.1 ) Capture Error : Send the email to ServicedeskHq-L@telkomsel.co.id for further information.
Contact Us
Telkomsel Smart Office
7th Floor DKI Jakarta